Project DeterMAN is a dedicated initiative focused on deterring men from imposing self-limiting barriers that hinder their success. We engage directly with male participants, carefully assessing their unique needs and providing essential support. Our services extend to the Pike and Washington Townships, aiming to empower men to overcome obstacles and thrive in all aspects of life. Together, we foster personal growth and achieve lasting positive impact.

Kevin Davis

I am Kevin Davis Sr., a Case Manager for Project Deter-MAN at the Fay Biccard Glick Center. With over ten years of experience in this role, I am dedicated to making a positive impact on people's lives. Working directly with male participants, I assess their needs and provide the necessary assistance. Building relationships with Re-entry organizations is crucial to me as it helps create resources for returning citizens to transition back into society successfully. Coordinating the needs of male participants with appropriate agencies and community support groups is a key aspect of my role. For me, life revolves around God, Family, and Community. In my free time, I enjoy watching my favorite TV shows and exercising to stay healthy. Above all, I am a proud husband and father, cherishing the moments with my loved ones.